The Definitive Guide to Entertainment Marketing: Bringing the Moguls, the Media, and the Magic to the World


  • Format:?Kindle Edition
  • File Size:?6832 KB
  • Print Length:?305 pages
  • ?ISBN: 9789332586963
  • Publisher:?FT Press; 2 edition

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Entertainment Marketing NOW:

Every Platform, Technology, and Opportunity


Covers film, cable, broadcast, music, sports, publishing, social media, gaming, and more

Reflects powerful trends ranging from smartphones to globalization

Demonstrates breakthrough strategies integrating advertising, promotion, PR, and online content distribution

By industry insiders with decades of experience as leaders and consultants


Entertainment spending is soaring worldwide, driven by new technologies, new platforms, new business models, and unrelenting demand amongst?seven billion consumers.?That means entertainment marketing opportunities are soaring, too. But this business is more complex and competitive than ever?and it?s changing at breakneck speed. Now, two leading practitioners show how to transform content into profits today?and?tomorrow?any content, on any platform, in any market, worldwide.


You?ll master innovative new ways to grab consumers? attention and wallets?fast?make your experiences?wannasee, haftasee, mustsee?drive more value through social platforms, mobile technologies, and integrated marketing strategies?overcome challenges ranging from bad buzz to piracy?fully leverage licensing, merchandising, and sponsorships?and successfully market?all?forms of entertainment.


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Knowledgeworld The Definitive Guide to Entertainment Marketing: Bringing the Moguls, the Media, and the Magic to the World The Definitive Guide to Entertainment Marketing: Bringing the Moguls, the Media, and the Magic to the World 9789332586963 ₨0.00