How To Stop Worrying & Start Living [Paperback-2019] Dale Carnegie


Category:SelfhelpSelf ImprovementSelf Improvement-Sim
Publisher: Ilqa Publications | ISBN: 9789696400899 | Pages: 356

We don’t stop worrying at any moment in life. It is one of the biggest unhappiness factors in our lives. To worry is human. Nonetheless, it can be conquered. In How to Stop Worrying & Start Living, Dale Carnegie investigates nearly all aspects of the worry problem and citing scores of helpful examples from the lives of the rich and famous, he proposes easy-to-apply formulae to eliminate it once and for all. It was published in 1948 and has changed millions of lives hence. In present times, when there is so much to worry about, How to Stop Worrying & Start Living still remains the best read on the subject.

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