
As A Man Thinketh [Paperback-2019] James Allen

150.00 135.00

Category:SelfhelpSelf ImprovementSelf Improvement-Sim
Publisher: Ilqa Publications | ISBN: 9789696401193 | Pages: 64

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James Allen s As a Man Thinketh owes its name to the Biblical verse For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. Allen enlarges on this very principle and shows how to take control of one s life by working positively on one s thought process. His simple discourse has made As a Man Thinketh a timeless classic which has continuously been changing the lives of millions around the world since its first publication in 1903.


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Knowledgeworld https://knowledgeworld.com.pk/books/as-a-man-thinketh-paperback-2019-james-allen As A Man Thinketh [Paperback-2019] James Allen As A Man Thinketh [Paperback-2019] James Allen ₨150.00