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Heaven [Paperback-2012]


Category:ChildrenChildren FictionChildren Romantic Fiction-Rfi
Publisher: Orchard Uk | ISBN: 9781408314661 | Pages: 416

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The night that Heaven lost her heart was cold and moonless. But the blade that sliced it out was warm with her dark blood…

David Pettyfer is taking a shortcut over the dark rooftops of London s brooding houses, when he literally stumbles across Heaven: a strange, beautiful, distraught girl who says that bad men have stolen her heart. Yet she s still alive…

And so begins David and Heaven s wild, exciting and mysterious adventure – to find Heaven s heart, and to discover the incredible truth about her origins.

Part thriller, part love story and part fairy tale, this brilliantly original novel from a bestselling German author will take your breath away…


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