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How To Click: The Art Of Dating With Confidence [Paperback-2016]


Publisher: Coronet Uk | ISBN: 9781444740950 | Pages: 192

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Contains free audio downloads

Trevor Silvester is a Harley Street hypnotherapist and couples coach of over twenty years experience. In How to Click he teaches you how to build on your confidence, relax, and be yourself on dates. By building on simple steps, you will learn how to be more confident, and read the non-verbal signs to find love.

Going on a date? Hijacked by a nervous version of yourself? Trevor Silvester shows you how to avoid pitfalls like these and reveals exercised to help you maximise the click factor.

With his quick and easy guide to recognising psychological types, Trevor shows you how to become a dating Jedi!

The book also contains exclusive free audio downloads to help you go through the door to meet your date brimming with confidence and likeability.


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