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Succeed At Iq Tests: Improve Your Verbal, Spatial And Numerical Reasoning Skills [Paperback-2016]


Category:Selfhelp- Self ImprovementSelf ImprovementSelf Improvement-Sim
Publisher: Sourcebooks Usa | ISBN: 9788130934136 | Pages: 0

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Are you faced with an IQ test?
Do you want to improve your reasoning skills?
Do you want to boost your IQ rating?

Succeed at IQ Tests contains 400 questions just like you are likely to encounter in real IQ tests. The questions are organised into 10 timed tests, each of 40 questions, together with a guide for assessing your performance.

Practising the different types of question will help you to:

improve your verbal, spatial and numerical reasoning skills;
boost your confidence
improve your IQ rating

Whether you are faced with an IQ test as part of a job interview, or simply want to exercise your mind, Succeed at IQ Tests provides you with plenty of opportunity to practice.


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